Discover Sustainable Farming and Unrivaled Quality in Every Bean For a Sensational Coffee Experience
A passionate coffee farmer and entrepreneur, Rony has dedicated his life to cultivating the finest microlot coffee, while championing fair trade practices and sustainable agriculture.
Nestled within the captivating landscape of Cajamarca, the smallholder farms that cultivate these exceptional micro-lot coffees are truly unique.
Each farm spans a mere 2-3 hectares, roughly equivalent to 5-7.4 acres, or about the size of a few soccer fields. This small scale allows for a level of precision and personal touch that goes into every step of the coffee production process.
Now is the time to embark on your own coffee adventure and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Rony Lavan's Peruvian microlots.
Savor the delicate interplay of flavors, the invigorating aroma, and the knowledge that every sip supports a brighter future for the dedicated farmers of Cajamarca.
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$39.95 Per bag
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$45.95 Per bag
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As you indulge in the captivating flavors and aromas of Rony Lavan's Peruvian microlot coffee, you're not just experiencing a remarkable beverage; you're becoming a part of a greater narrative.